Social groups that meet in the Village Hall or Recreation Ground. Click on the individual website address or contact details for further information.
Amblers & Ramblers
Short walk on 2nd Thursday of the month Contact Anne Dowsett email: dowsettanne52@gmail.com Ramble last Thursday of month. Contact Elaine Spencer-White email: elainesw48@gmail.com
Art for Everyone
Sociable, fully tutored art classes , exploring wide variety of media & subjects, suitable for all levels.
Tuesday mornings 10am-12.30pm and Tuesday afternoons 1pm-3.30pm
Contact: Deborah Chisman 01258 820349 email: deb_chisman@hotmail.com
Blackmore Vale Art Group
Meets 2nd Friday of the month 10:30am. Workshops & projects in various media
Contact: Richard Hyde 07549 279367 email:richard_john_hyde@yahoo.com
Bridge Club
Meets every Tuesday from 2pm-4pm to play Chicago in the Methodist Hall. Contact: Shirley on 01258 820036
Community Cafe
Tea, coffee, homemade cakes & good company. Everyone welcome & it’s FREE
Meets 3rd Friday of the month from 10am-12 noon
Contact: Rosie Gall email: rosiegall1@gmail.com
Community Choir
Meets Wednesday evenings 7pm-9pm during term time. Open to all over 16, no audition
Contact: Chris Drake email: chris@christine-drake.com
Website: https://www.marnhullcommunitychoir.com​
Craft Club
Informal group interested in various crafts (& chatting). Meets 10am on 1st Thursday of each month in the Methodist Church Hall. Contact: Sue Piper on 07787 299227 email: suepiper53@btinternet.com
Cricket Club
Plays on Marnhull Recreational Ground. Open to all ages, abilities & genders. Six adult mixed sides plus 2 female sides. Junior mixed sides and All Stars for 5-8 year olds. Practice night on a Wednesday. Contact: Ashley Young (Club Captain) 07392 727584 Nick Chambers (Junior Cricket) 07769 730167
Website: marnhull.play-cricket.com
Figure Drawing Group
Meets 4th Friday each month (except August & December) from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Drawing from life model, poses set to various times, no formal instruction. Contact: Katie Scorgie email: kscorgie@yahoo.co.uk
Dance & Exercise Class meets each Wednesday 11.15am-12.15pm
Contact: Nicola Thommas email: nicola@zumbafitsteps.co.uk
Garden Club
MGC is a large, sociable club not just for gardeners!
Meets second Tuesday of the month (except August & December) at 7pm for 7.30pm start
Contact: Phil Silvester email: marnhullgardenclub@gmail.com
Lunch Club
Meets 1st Friday each month (except January). Club opens 12 noon, lunch served 1pm.
Main course, dessert, tea or coffee for £10.00
Contact: Liz Bonnell 01258 821378/Dawn Palmer 01258 820642.
Marnhull Entertains
Provides films, drama, live music & opera and pop screenings. Films every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Contact: Pat Budden email: patbudden95@gmail.com
Marnhull Hub & Repair Cafe
Drop in, meet friends & enjoy tea and cake. Hub, Recycling & Repair Cafe open every Saturday from 9.30-12.30
Contact: Sioban Boyce email: sioban@marnhullhub.org.uk
Marnhull Players
Rehearses for panto start each October and performance in February the following year.. Contact: Emma Ryu on 0750 580372 email: marnhullplayers@gmail.com
Men’s Shed
Open to men (and women) to participate in community projects & hobbies. Meets on a Wednesday from 2pm-5pm. Contact: Alan Loukes email: membership@marnhullmensshed.org.uk
Music Society
Meets. 3rd Monday of month 7.15pm-9.30pm
Contact Alan Loukes on 01258 821629
Play Reading
Informal reading of plays (dramas, comedies, etc) Meets 7pm-10pm £6.00 payable (in cash) on the night covers script, wine, tea/coffee & nibbles. Contact Graham & Tracey Renwick on 07967 116658 email: grahamrenwick1@gmail.com
Table Tennis
Meets twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 2pm-5pm
Contact: John Dowsett on email: dowsettjohn48@gmail.com
Tennis Club
A friendly club welcoming tennis players of all levels. Meets at tennis courts in the Recreational grounds
Contact: Chris Gregory email: c.j.gregory@outlook.com
Website: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/MarnhullTennisClub
Walking Football
Slower version of the beautiful game, aimed at the over 50’s .
Meets on the Recreational Grounds Tuesday’s at 10am. Cost is FREE but with donation box. Studs advisable but not necessary. Contact: Chris Hilder email: hilder@hotmail.com or Bill Shannon email: bill@tunes.co.uk
Meets on the 2nd Monday in the month (except August)
at 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Contact: Nicola Denham on 01258 821343